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Results for "Pierre Teilhard de Chardin"
Teilhard's Mysticism A lively, enlightening, and assessable overview of Teilhard 's melding of spirituality, science, and mysticism.
Teilhard for Our Times A view into the heart and vision of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Praying with the Jesuits A cross-cut of devotional material from Jesuits over the past 570 years.
Sister Wendy on the Art of Mary Spiritual insights by Sister Wendy Beckett on art focusing on Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Silent Hope Looks to the wisdom of ten Christian, Jewish, and Muslim seers to provide us with insights into the inscrutability and unfathomability of God.
Teachings of the Christian Mystics Affirms the sacred feminine and proclaims gratitude, imagination, humility, compassion, and justice as core spiritual practices.
Sacred Heart A prescient and moving overview of this image in the history and devotional practices of Catholicism.
Prayers for Healing A superb collection with prayers for every day of the year that views healing in the broadest sense of the term.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin in Silent Hope We only have to go a little beyond